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  • Client:Greentube
  • Date:14.03.2018

Optimizing the Onboarding Process at Greentube

As a leading company in the entertainment industry and part of the larger NOVOMATIC Group, Greentube faced challenges in effectively onboarding new employees into its rapidly growing and technically demanding environment.

The company needed a more structured and efficient onboarding process to ensure that new hires could quickly reach full productivity and seamlessly integrate into the corporate culture.


The primary goal of the project was to overhaul the existing onboarding process and develop a system that would enable faster and more effective integration of new team members into both the company culture and their specific roles. A key focus was ensuring that new employees felt welcomed, supported, and ready to contribute from day one.


To achieve this, we developed a comprehensive onboarding process that included several critical components:

  • Structured Onboarding Plan: We created a detailed onboarding plan for each position within the company, outlining every step from the first day to full integration into the work process. The plan was tailored to the specific needs of each department, allowing new employees to quickly understand their tasks and responsibilities.

  • Mentorship Program: Every new hire was paired with an experienced mentor who guided them through the onboarding process, answered questions, and provided support during their first weeks on the job. This mentorship program was vital for building relationships and ensuring that new employees understood the company’s culture and values.

  • Interactive Workshops and Training: We introduced a series of interactive workshops and training sessions to help new hires quickly acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. These sessions covered essential processes, tools, technologies, and an introduction to key company projects.

  • Regular Progress Reviews: To ensure that new employees were settling in well and meeting expectations, we introduced regular progress reviews with their mentors and managers. These reviews provided an opportunity to address any issues promptly and adjust the onboarding process as needed.


The revamped onboarding process at Greentube delivered several significant benefits:

  • Faster Integration: New employees now reach full productivity more quickly, enhancing overall company efficiency.
  • Higher Employee Satisfaction: With a more structured and supportive process, new hires feel more included and valued, positively impacting their job satisfaction and company loyalty.
  • Reduced Turnover: Improved initial experiences and clear development pathways have contributed to a decrease in turnover among new employees.

By revamping its onboarding process, Greentube has created a better experience for new employees, enabling them to integrate into the work environment more quickly and become productive team members, ultimately strengthening the entire company.